What is it really like to live and work in Italy ‘in the time of coronavirus’? Here at Gate-away.com in Grottammare (Le Marche), like in the majority of the Italian areas, life goes on as usual but with more attention and care to good rules of hygiene and protection for ourselves and others, such as washing hands frequently for about 20 seconds, covering our mouth when sneezing or coughing, etc.

We also received some affection messages from you worried about the situation here in Italy. We want to thank you all for your kind thoughts and inform you that we are ok and in good health since almost nothing has changed here in Italy.

So we go at work as usual, we go shopping, we lead a normal life.

We have also celebrated Carnival having a typical Italian aperitivo on February 25.

Carnival 2020 in Le Marche

We go the gym, which is open, to attend our Pilates lessons during lunch time.

Gate-away.com pilates lessons

But especially we continue working hard on our portal to make your Italian dream come true and on social media channels to keep you up to date with the latest news about Italy and its property market. Click here to join our community on Facebook and keep in touch.