Rete Aste Srl
Rete Aste Srl
Rete Aste Srl

Scali d'Azeglio, 2/6
Livorno - Livorno

+39 0586 201480

Auction Network: the world of competitive sales

Rete Auction is an organic and complete system, a world made of people, skills, experiences, services and portals that work for the creation of value for each sale to guarantee its success. Whatever the sector of origin of the sale: judicial, extrajudicial, public or private, and any other subject leading to the sale: professionals, institutions, companies, institutions, banks and people,

Rete Aste is a unique reference point that guarantees, both to the sellers and to the buyers, a safe and transparent sale path thanks to a wide range of synergistic services:

  • (the portal plus VISABLE in the legal sales sector);
  • (dedicated to the COMPRADE OF private property);
  • (for the management of all types of TELEMATIC SALE);
  • (the software for simple, rational management, complete with the procedure);
  • (the consulential component of the Auction Network).

Properties for sale by Rete Aste Srl

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