Once you have bought your dream home in Italy, it will be important to get all the essential utility connections set up before you move in. There are several things you need to know about essential services such as electricity, water, telephone, gas, and how to pay your monthly bills. Here are a few points you may find useful while applying for each of the following services.

Electricity In Italy – Most homes are provided with around 3 to 3.2 kilowatts of power which is essential to run household appliances and lighting. You can request a larger power supply of up to 6 kilowatts depending on your needs but be aware that this will come with a larger flat rate payment. Electricity is supplied and regulated mainly by the ENEL group that operates throughout Italy.

But there are many other companies and local companies like Areti in Rome area, Unareti in Milan area or Ireti in Turin area, just to name a few. You can contact them via phone or you can physically visit the nearest office in your town or city when possible. To get connected you will be required to provide your identity documents, tax number, bank details, and the address through which you will receive monthly bills.

Water – The amount of water you receive will largely depend on the region you live in. Some regions have plentiful water resources while others have relatively less water. Also the pricing depends on the size of the region’s reserves and the amount of rainfall received. The supply you receive is usually limited to an annual fixed metered amount for every household. Any extra consumption beyond the fixed limit will have to be paid for. The water is billed twice every year. Water for outdoor activities such as your swimming pool is provided under a separate contract and comes with its own metre. To get connected you simply need to provide your tax code and identification documents.

Telephones – Companies offering provision of landline telephone services in Italy also provide internet services for individuals and companies. To get connected you simply need to reach their service centre via the number 187 or apply through their website. Once you have provided your identification and tax code documents among others, you will be assigned a number and have a technician sent to your home to install your line. Main telephone/internet service providers in Italy are WindTre/Infostrada, Tim, Vodafone, etc. Each of these companies provides mobile services too.

How to pay your utility bills? All common utility bills in Italy are paid at the national Poste Italiane. You will initially have received a printed form detailing all your account’s details and the payment due which you will then present to the clerk at the post office with the appropriate amount of money. Alternatively you can pay the bills by debit through your bank account.