Increasingly freeing oneself from the outdated concept of the “asphyxiated workplace” in order to arrive at a more creative and dynamic concept. The objective of is corporate well-being.

A path that began some time ago, with the flexibility of working hours and the introduction of teleworking when necessary. Today the company has a new figure: the Chief Happiness Officer.

Who is the Chief Happiness Officer?

Annalisa Angellotti, Gate-away co-founder

Annalisa Angellotti, Communications & CSR Manager at, is one of the first Chief Happiness Officers (CHO) in Italy. For some years now, the “Happiness Manager” has appeared in various companies in the USA and is also beginning to be requested by Italian companies.

This new figure was created to develop a higher level of corporate well-being. There are many workers who live their jobs with endless working hours, stress, lack of satisfaction, uninspiring tasks and low productivity.

CHO’s certificate has allowed Annalisa Angellotti to create in a path to increase the work well-being and to make even thinner the border between worker and manager.

Corporate well-being: the “Manifesto for Play” becomes an integral part of’s work

Can you work while playing? Yes, because play is a serious business. It is a habit that can transform even the most hostile environments, spreading lightness in organisations, improving motivation, cooperation and creativity. Play is an innate biological need that is unfortunately often set aside in adulthood, when it should continue to be nurtured by integrating it into social innovation policies.

For this reason the team in 2022 started a journey with Dr. Lucia Berdini, Play Coach & World Laughter Ambassador, one of the creators of the “Manifesto for Play” whose mission is to create a critical mass of people aware that society, in order to be healthy and generative, needs to include the Culture of Play in institutional, organisational and educational processes.

“I am really happy and honoured to take this journey into the power of Play with, – comments Berdini – the first company in Italy that is actually training its employees to include fun and lightness in their working hours. In collaboration with IIPO (Italian Institute for Positive Organisations) we are making a transition towards the ORG+ model and prototyping, step by step, the change underway, so that more and more companies can embrace the idea that Play is a social technology in which every manager and HR should be competent, as it is one of the variables of Happiness!”

Employee well-being: utopia or concrete reality? And how does it affect the company profit?

All too often we forget how important it is to invest in soft skills, emotional leadership and empathy to connect with others. When the company forgets this, it is not really making a profit. Profit is nothing more than the fruit of the company’s well-being, which is monitored to give the employee a sense of belonging.

Employees must be given a voice and the company’s values must be recognised and appreciated. When a company like is able to fulfil the brand promise, and not just the target audience, the employees themselves become proponents of that vision.