has joined the worldwide flash mob One Billion Rising to say NO to exploitation and violence against women.
“Together we dance with strength, courage and joy – comments Annalisa Angellotti, co-founder and CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) of the company – to affirm equal rights and a culture of respect also in the workplace. Let’s make noise!”
What is One Billion Rising
One Billion Rising is the international movement founded by the playwright Eve Ensler (author of The Vagina Monologues). Since 2013, on 14 February, she has been organizing meetings in the squares of 200 countries around the world so far to dance together with the song Break the Chain to raise awareness on the issue of the violence against women. and its involvement in the gender gap issue has been very involved in the issue of the gender gap inquality for some time now. The portal has started with two surveys, one sent to 70,000 international house hunters in Italy and another one to Italian estate agencies. The aim was to provide a snapshot of what is happening in the world and in the real estate market more in particular.
”We then asked ourselves, – continues Angellotti – what else we could have done. We started from the assumption that the economic independence still remains one of the key factors in the fight against discrimination and violence that women may suffer.”
“A report by the Observatory on Domestic Work by Inps (the Italian National institute for Social Security) for the year 2022, – adds Angellotti – showed that on average the annual salary of women is €18,305. This means €8,000 less than that of men which is €26,227. The causes for this difference are the job insecurity, part-time job and discontinuity that characterizes women’s work histories which is also a factor in women’s marital histories. But I would like to point out that, above all, maternity and unequal childcare workload affect the level of employment and the type of contracts of women.”
So then decided to create a campaign dedicated to women working in the real estate industry in Italy. In December 2023, the company launched Equal Pay Week, which was not just an offer, but a real contribution to support the cause. With this offer, the portal tried to fill the pay gap for a month.
“Last but not least, – concludes Annalisa Angellotti, – as the first company in Italy, has joined One Billion Rising, the largest mass action in human history to say no to violence against women. It involves 1 billion women worldwide. This year’s theme is ‘Rise for Freedom’ and the team of women and men participated in the flash mob on 14 February, 2024.”