We’ve already talked about houses for sale in Italy at € 1 and special taxation on pensions and other foreign income for those relocating to the south of the boot-shaped country in order to revitalize certain areas.

Now Molise – the second smallest and most underrated region of Italy – adopted a new scheme called ‘Reddito di Residenza Attiva’ for those interested in investing there to support towns with no more than 2,000 inhabitants, which are 107 out of 136, as stated in its official announcement published by Molise region on September 17th, 2019.

You will get around € 700 a month, for three years for a maximum amount of € 24,000 overall divided into € 8,000 per year.

Are you interested?

Prerequisites to apply to ‘Reddito di Residenza Attiva’

1. Establish your residence there within 90 days from the communication of the acceptance of your request.

2. Start a business for at least 5 years. You can also move there your company – including your registered office, which is called sede legale, which means that you pay taxes to that town in Molise.

3. Be an Italian citizen – also dual citizenship is ok – a European citizen or have a residence permit that allow you to stay in Italy for at least 5 years.

How to apply

1. Send your request through a certified email address (pec) to regionemolise@cert.regione.molise.it within November 30th, 2019 at 12 am Italian time. This must be the subject of your email: ‘Avviso pubblico – Reddito di residenza attiva per l’accesso al Fondo in favore di soggetti che vanno a risiedere nei comuni con popolazione fino a 2000 abitanti’

2. You must attach:

  • your cv
  • feasibility study of the business you’d like to start there with its financial-economic plan
  • application form (domanda di partecipazione)
  • copy of your valid identity document

Requests will then be evaluated by a special Commission in order to check the admissibility and eligibility of the applications received.

Are you ready for your next Italian adventure?

If you are not sure, here are the 7 reasons why it could be your perfect Italian retreat.